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73%Marc Broude - Psychological Warfare2013-09-17 / kettu / Reads: 2263Sometimes there is a need for a song, that could destroy all our rage inside us - EP Psychological Warfare from Marc Broude just serves such pieces. Marc Broude is an independent composer and musician, whose uncommon work has in it electronics, experimental noise, sound of ambient, industrial and... |
50%The Hiram Key - Amerikafka2013-09-15 / Consolatrix / Reads: 3721I’m not going to pretend that I was not waiting impatiently for a debut album of a project of Nosferatu’s ex-vocalist (known mainly from The Cureheads). Gary Ash announced the revolution of gothic scene and return to roots. There is no doubt – Amerikafka faithfully follows the sound of such... |
79%IdiotHead - Free Market Music2013-09-15 / Jenna_Malique / Reads: 3238It's long been since a music proposition made me experience so much ambivalent feelings as IdiotHead with their "Free Market Music". At first hearing, it seems that it's a few very well-designed tracks... But is it right? Soon we shall see. How does album's creators' intelligence manifests itself?... |
85%Informatik - Arena2013-09-12 / Bhu Virdi / Reads: 3102The ever evolving Duo of Tyler Newman and Da5id Din are back with another astounding album, which takes their emotional electronics to new heights on their 7th album entitled Arena. Their sound varies from song to song taking deep trance like songs to industrial beats. Each song on the album... |
65%Suspicion Breeds Confidence - Eight Reasons for Being Pathetic2013-09-09 / sqarek / Reads: 2486Is Tobias Schmitt, leader and the band’s core member making music? Certainly. Industrial, noise, glitch. Everything is correct. At the beginning our ears are gently tickled by sounds interspersed by notes of concern. Rupted between the channels sounds, put, but arranged samples are accompanying us through the entire 38 minute... |
85%X-Fusion - What Remains Is Black2013-09-07 / Jenna_Malique / Reads: 3790It is well known, that X-FUSION formation, or rather John L. He, is a true pearl of dark independent in terms of building the climate. Although the measures of the very building are not too complicated - the whole album is interspersed with slower and faster rhythms almost alternately -... |